From Terminal: xdelta3: file open failed: read: ../../GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPNINJA_EASY%%2Fpractise.oni: No such file or directory xdelta3: file open failed: read: ../../GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPNINJA_EASY%%2Fpractise.oni: No such file or directory LOG FILE FOR ANALYZING FLUCTUATIONS OF TRAM AND CHARACTER TXMP Level 1: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... Level 1: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TRCMbip_comguy.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 1: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 2: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPIteration001%2FCopfem_neck.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 2: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 2: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 3: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPIteration001%2FCopfem_neck.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 3: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 3: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 4: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... Level 4: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 4: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 6: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... Level 6: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 6: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 8: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... Level 8: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 8: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 9: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... Level 9: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 9: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 10: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... Level 10: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 10: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 11: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... Level 11: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 11: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 12: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... Level 12: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 12: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 13: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... Level 13: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 13: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 14: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... Level 14: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 14: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 18: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... Level 18: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 18: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... Level 19: moving local ONCC and subtrees to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPIteration001%2FCopfem_neck.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 19: moving orphan ONCC children to level 0... Level 19: moving orphan TRAC children to level 0... LOG FILE FOR ANALYZING FLUCTUATIONS OF SNDD Level 1: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 2: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 3: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 4: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 6: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 8: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 9: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 10: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 11: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 12: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 13: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 14: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 18: moving SNDD to level 0... Level 19: moving SNDD to level 0... LOG FILE FOR ANALYZING FLUCTUATIONS OF PARTICLE M3GM AND MOST TXMP Level 1: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 1: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_CONSOLE_A_01.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_CONSOLE_ALARM.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 2: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 2: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_CONSOLE_ALARM.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_CON_ALARM_ON.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 3: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 3: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... Level 4: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 4: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPAIR_DK_METAL.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 6: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 6: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_CONSOLE_ALARM.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_CON_ALARM_ON.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPMETAL061.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPRW_MAINOFF_WALL.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 8: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 8: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPAIR_DK_METAL.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPfire5.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR_TC_SGL.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR_TC_DBL.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 9: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 9: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR_PW_MED.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPGLASS02.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPfire5.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 10: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 10: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR_PW_SGL_WHITE.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR_PW_SGL_BLUE.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR_PW_SGL_GREEN.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR_PW_SGL_RED.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPA_GARAGE_OUT1.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR_PW_SGL_YELLOW.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 11: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 11: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPDOOR_SB_01.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 12: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 12: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR_SB_ENTRANCE.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 13: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 13: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPEB_1.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPMP_COUCH01.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPEB_3.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 14: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 14: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPlensflare02.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPGLASS02.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPlensflare01.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_CONSOLE_ALARM.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 18: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 18: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPAIR_DK_METAL.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR_TC_SGL.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR_TC_DBL.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. Level 19: moving particle M3GM to level 0... Level 19: moving almost all TXMP to level 0... File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPROTORBLADES.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_DOOR _CM_1.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMPNO_MACHINE_03.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. File /Oni/GameDataFolder/level0_Final/TXMP_CONSOLE_ALARM.oni already exists at destination and it is different. File not copied. LOG FILE FOR XDELTA3 PATCHES